Taking Notice

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Lesson : Taking Notice – Body Scan

Your mission, should you choose to accept it

We have had dogs as pets over the years. It can take time to know them well and notice their likes and dislikes.  Taking time to notice and getting to know yourself and your own body is the goal of this lesson. A body scan helps to identify where the pain is felt most often or notice if is it all over.

Recording and note taking can be time consuming but very worthwhile.  Regularly and thoroughly filling in a food and symptom diary also provides valuable clues.t

Why you need to do it:

This course will empower you learn possible ways of coping with pain and relieving digestive difficulties. Investigate how your body works and use the knowledge to heal and tame your tummy.

Explore what your intuitive instincts may indicate. Get in touch and learn the message your body is telling you. Trust that your body wants to return to homeostasis or balance and equilibrium. Learn what to remove and what to add to support the body in healing. I

What you need to do:

Take a picture of yourself from the side or ask someone to do it for you. Send me copy of picture. I’ll look at your posture for any changes or deviation. Notice any area that stand out, protrude, and are tender. Are you holding your body in way to compensate for pain?

Return Questionnaire from previous week

Look at the Tongue diagnosis chart and identify which is more similar

Send me pictures please of your finger tips both sides and selfie picture

 Find a free app that can record your resting heart rate variablity and monitor your stress levels

Watch your breathing – is it deep, slow and steady or shallow and in the shoulder area