DAY 1 # 1st Week of Gut Healing Recipes #
DAY 2 Food Preparation & Cooking Tips
DAY 3 Benefits of Cleansing for Gut Health
DAY 4 Simple Digestive System Test at Home
DAY 5 Why Eliminate Foods?
DAY 6 Improving Regularity
DAY 8 # 2nd Week of Gut Healing Recipes #
Day 9 Reducing Stress Tips for Helping Digestion
DAY 10 Toxin Reduction Tips and Tools
Day 12 Blood Sugar Balancing for Gut Health
DAY 15 Congratulations

11 Steps that Support a Healthy Liver

Start healing digestive system 15 days

Better Liver Health in 11 Steps

1. Eliminate toxins from your diet and your life as best you can. See below for links to get information on the best choices to make

2. Drink pure (filtered) water throughout the day. Think about getting a water filtration system in if you can smell chlorine or any smell from your tap water. Bottled water can be a source of Xeno-estrogens or PET so try using glass, stainless steel or bamboo container without melamine.

3. Drink your lemon water first thing every morning or diluted Apple Cider Vinegar. We can discuss which is right for you in the Facebook Group or your 15 minute call after day 15.

4. Eat dark leafy greens, preferably raw, every day (e.g. “green juice,” a big or a green salad). Eat lots of celery (a good source of plant sodium that helps support the adrenals), watercress, broccoli, kale, cucumber, spinach, romaine, fresh herbs like basil and cilantro, and sour green apples.

5. Eat animal protein between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. It can be stressful for the liver to eat the animal protein later in the day or evening, especially if you are showing signs of liver stress.

6. Remember, you need protein to support and detoxify the liver. In addition to protein naturally found in foods, good complete protein sources can be found in beans, nuts and seeds such as hemp seeds and chia seeds.

7. Eat dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. This allows adequate time for digestion and absorption.

8. Make sure the colon is supported and clean. When toxins remain in the colon, they are sent back to the liver. The liver then sends them right back down to the colon in the bile.  To help permanently eliminate these toxins from the body, add extra fiber, probiotics, and filtered water. Be aware of tight fitting clothes or waist bands which can impact the movement through the large and small intestine also.

10.  Sweat! Saunas and exercise are a good way to sweat. 

11.  Assist your lymphatic system – Use a body brush every day to stimulate your lymphatic system and help move lymphatic fluids.   You can also lymphasize, which is a way to stimulate lymphatic drainage, ridding your body of toxins, wastes, trapped protein, bacteria, and viruses.  What do you need to do?  Jump on a mini-trampoline — this is called rebounding.  This creates an ideal condition for cleaning the cells.  The vertical acceleration and deceleration help the cells squeeze out waste.