Module 2 – RECOGNISE  Become Aware of Possible Root Causes


Your mission, should you choose to accept it

In this the first lesson of the first module we will focus on becoming aware.  Gaining awareness, monitoring and documenting are useful tools for living with the condition.

Many pains and aches might not be thought to be connected at first.  How you investigate might identify links and make a difference to your health.

In this the first lesson in the first module we will focus on becoming aware.  To find a solution we must first identify where the problem lies. We investigate further to find the root. Then we work towards finding solutions. Then we can prioritize which of the solutions to start on first and create a plan of action.


Why you need to do it:

To find a solution we must first identify where the problem lies. In Naturopathic Nutrition we investigate further to find the root cause of an issue. Afterwards we introduce methods of working on finding solutions.

We can prioritize a solution to start first and then create a plan of action. This module aims to increase awareness of the intensity of symptoms and possible triggers and links.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”  Laozi is a common saying that originated from a famous Chinese proverb.

This is the first step in regaining your energy and having a pain free life with your family.  It is important to fill in the questions for the homework.  We will be working further with this in the next lesson for the Kinesiology session.



What you need to do:

90 day goal

To make any changes stick it is important every day to make consistent, focused effort. The first area will be breathing.

  1. Watch the video above and put aside some time to do a full body scan.
  2. Read the progressive relaxation technique instructions and try it out.
  3. Fill in the questionnaire.
  4. Schedule Call here
  5. . Meet in Adare Wednesday 31st July at 12.00 above Adare Pharmacy

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